HATHA YOGA classes in English

Pest, Friday, 10.00 to 11.30 am

Course conducted by Sabine, teacher trained at the French School of Yoga in Paris, and at Bindusar Yoga School (Yoga Alliance UK certification - HY TTC 200 Hours)

The "Yoga of Energy" is a Hatha Yoga suitable for the appearance and lifestyle of Westerners and is named after Roger Clerc, a pupil of Lucien Ferrer, who also was inspired by Tibetan exercises. It is a teaching of Hatha Yoga focusing on awareness of Prana "life energy" and Manas "mental activity".

Like any Hatha Yoga, it is based on the work of the body through postures (asana), sequences (karana) and some cleaning exercises (kriya), takes the breath to regulate the life energy (pranayama) and by the concentration achieves a broadening of perceptions through meditation (dhyana).

With the techniques of “Yoga of Energy”, we find another approach to hatha yoga, between softness and firmness, developing the quality of breath and breath awareness, and to "look inside" can open sleeping areas in our body and reach the center of balance that leads to deep relaxation and allows the harmony of all aspects of our being. Proposing amendments to the postures, it will aim to reduce asymmetries in our bodies and perceive our vitality.

Public: adults
Beginner and intermediate levels

Yoga Class for Men ?
We will be focusing on specific postures and stretchings to open up and reliese the usual blockages that men are facing in their daily life. Some simple exercises will be taught to help to reliese quickly the stress.
Please inform your friends! Contact: yogaabudapest@gmail.com

Please contact us for the time schedule!

Information and registration:
yogaabudapest@gmail.com - tél : 06 70 405 2295